Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 weeks left :(

I can't believe I only have two more weeks to be home with this little sugar plum!

Time is just flying by!  Our Miss Maggie is being an overachiever with 99% Height, 99.99% Weight.  As the Doc told us Maggie would be in 2nd place if there was 1000 baby girls in a room.  Pretty impressive :)  She is one healthy eater, but it is making this momma exhausted!  She is smiling more and more each day and loves the attention when she can get some!  Big sister, Allie, is starting to turn a corner and realizing she has to share mom/dad. 

So sad to go back to work so soon, I want more time at home with my girls!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Allie & Maggie

So in the hospital when they gave me Maggie, I thought, I know this baby...  It was a little deja vu for me.  I felt like I got a 2nd little Allie! Maggie is breaking away from Allie's looks and getting her own beautiful look!

Here are the Hospital Professional pic

Allie Nicole
Maggie Elizabeth

I think you can all understand why I thought Maggie was a little Allie.


So similar, but definitely there own person.  So excited to see these two girls grow :)  I love their two smiles the most.  Allie has a huge, outgoing smile that is constantly there, where Maggie has a more suttle smile, that sneaks up on you and melts your heart when she flashes it to you!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Welcome...Maggie Elizabeth!

Our 2nd daughter is here!  We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby girl.  It has been a crazy 6 weeks!  Hence, why, I am just now posting about her :)

So here is the start of blogging...

Day 1 - 6.26.13
I was overdue by 5 days and Nick and I decided to induce to get our little girl to meet the world.  We showed up to the hospital at 6am and they weren't ready for us, so they told us to take a walk around the pond and get some breakfast on the hospital.  I MUCH rather of slept more, but we did as we were told.  So we got back up to the maternity floor around 7:30 and checked in, waited to hear from the doc, etc.  That was about 10am...  Talk about more of the waiting game!  They hooked me up to IVs to get some antibiotics before we started labor.  FINALLY at 12:45pm, my doc came in and broke my water and got labor started.  The gave me the pitocin and once the contractions were there, I did not mess around this time and got that epidural.  Drugs are good :)  At 4:45pm it was time to push, after 3 pushes, she was here!  5:10pm.  4 hour labor!  I guess it was good to have a little bit of a wait time because Nick and I finally settled on the name of our little one. I know, crazy, to not the know the name of your child til the day of.  But we are happy with our final decision of Maggie Elizabeth.  Elizabeth is my grandma's middle name.

First pic of Miss Maggie

 We made sure the first visitor to meet Maggie was Miss Allie.  She was in love! 

And then came the grandparents!

The hospital stay was nice and the nurses treated us well!  Maggie was good to Mom and Dad and was a good eater and maintain a good weight, NO triple feedings.  We thought we got an "easy" baby.

Day 3 - 6.28.13
Bringing Maggie home.
"Easy" not so much...Miss Maggie brought another challenge to us.  Days and Nights screwed up.  Talk about some sleep deprieved parents!  I know you want to spend quality time with your new born, but I prefer 1-4pm not 1-4am!  And to top it off, Allie stop sleeping through the night, she thought she needed to get up with baby Maggie and keep her company.  Nick was sent in the car with Allie a couple of times at 2, 3, 4am to get Allie to fall back asleep.  Luckily that was short lived and Allie is now sleeping through the night again.

The first 2 weeks were just a blur!  We were in survival mode!  But we made it!  We had lots of visitors, manage to go to a high school reunion, and I turned the big 3-0.  Having a week old did not make it a crazy night at all, so we will do a redo next year when I turn 3-1 :)

Allie's favorite thing to do, hold Maggie