I am a very jealous wife right now... In 3 days my husband gets to go off to Vegas with 6 of his good friends to golf, watch sports, and drink beer. Pretty much the 3 best things in a man's life.
I ponder "why do guys get to live up 9 months before a baby is born, when the ladies have to go to the prison of healthier eating habits, no drinking, and gaining weight?" Is it because Adam was created before Eve? Is it because men are less responsible than women? I don't know the answer... Maybe one day I will learn the answer...
Hey Brooke! I found your blog via Grecian's. Anyway, I loved your post about the tax deductible nursing equipment...I wish we could have for that darn $400 pump! LOL. Also, this post...yea, pretty sure Brian still did all the guy things and still does even with the baby. It's not really fair, but just make some time for yourself and girls at least once a month! We do so much more than guys and thats because they couldn't handle a day of everythin we do! :) Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and can't wait to find out what you're having!