Monday, July 11, 2011

A True Connection

Tonight was the night I felt a true connection with my beautiful daughter, Allie.  From day one I knew I loved Allie, but for the past three weeks with the struggles of breast-feeding I got caught up in being a "sleep deprived milk cow."  Yes, breast-feeding is probably the hardest thing I have ever done in life.

Today was probably the hardest day, Nick was out of town for work (the 1st day Nick traveled away for work...go figure!), Allie could not get enough food from me, and to top it off Allie got an eye infection.  So here I was no husband, sleep deprived, crying baby, and rushing to Walgreen's by myself in 105 degree weather for the eye medicine.  Wow!  Welcome to parenthood. 

Once I got home from Walgreen's, change diaper, feeding, and placing the ointment in Allie's eye, there I was, holding this sweet baby girl who finally was satisfied and peacefully sleeping.  I started crying, bc after a long day, it was all worth it to see Allie content.  I realized how much I truly love my daughter and am so blessed to have her in my life.  She then of course cracked a huge smile (probably gas), but I am going with her telling me "Mom, you did good today!" 

Parenthood is not what I expected, it is much more, so much more rewarding then anything I ever had experience in my life.  A life changer, but one I am so glad Nick and I made together.