Thursday, August 23, 2012

Early AM Comedy

So every Wednesday morning I drag myself out of bed to go teach a Boot Camp class at the NE YMCA.  Luckily it is a 5-10 minute drive to the gym so I can wake up and have energy by 5:45am. 

Comedy Section:
So I was making my class do the plank...
Me:  "Don't you all want six packs"
Member:  "OF BEER"

I think the whole class busted out laughing, that was the end of the plank for the day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

One Year Photos

We took Allie 1 year photos and family pics on a HOT HOT July day, but I think they turned out great!  Thanks to Michelle :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One year - too fast!

1st Pic - Allie is 4 days old, wearing size NB, weight 6 lb. 15 oz, 20.5 inches long
2nd Pic - Allie is 1 year, wearing 12 month, weight 21 lb. 3 oz, 30.5 inches long

Seems like yesterday we were doing a victory dance because she gained an ounce and was growing.  Now I look at her and she has tripled her size!  My baby girl is now considered a toddler.  I never thought it would be such a hard concept to deal with.  I constantly tell myself to "live in the moment" and relish every second you have with her at this age, bc it does not last long!  Now it is particularly clear beause now the moment is gone and only captured in the photographs I have taken.

Parenthood is one word, humbling.  I must say I was a ten times better parent before Allie came.  I was going to have her eat all organic food, have a set little schedule, and have her never watch t.v.  Wow, I was a rock star parent!  Now...I travel with my phone ready to bust out Elmo, french fries are a vegetable, and if she falls asleep in the car, I keep the car running, sit back in the driver seat and take in the quiet time!  Mistakes were made for sure, but I must say her winning smile makes me realize she is still happy and kicking it!

Next obstacles to tackle, moving from bottle to sippy cup, keeping shoes on...  I think I am going to leave it at that.  Lets not raise that bar to high.  I told myself, lets just be achievers.  This over achieving stuff is sometimes over rated!

Friday, June 1, 2012

One crazy weekend!

Allie learned quickly over the weekend how to share!  We had one jammed pack weekend shared with my cousins coming home from Afghanistan, a wedding, RJ's Baptism, Leigh's Birthday, and ALLIE's FIRST BIRTHDAY!  Can not believe she is turning one in 15 days! 

To start off the weekend, I took Friday off of work to prepare for the craziness that was coming my way.  At noon Allie and I were waiting for our first guests.  Grandma Davison, Uncle Reed, Aunt Leigh, and Cousins Sailor and RJ.  We had a wonderful lunch at Runza, yes, nothing but the best when you come to Lincoln.  Then Reed off to Omaha for a wedding, my mom off to Grand Island for the arrival of John and Bernie coming home after a year in Afghanistan, and Leigh and I with the 3 little ones.

These three are so much fun, but quite a handful!  Leigh went to the grocery store so I was left alone with the three for about an hour and half.  You all will think I am crazy, but I LOVED it.  I felt like super mom/aunt.  I was handling all three at once, everyone having a good time and then a small victory..nap time all at the same time!  I think having Sailor and RJ confirmed me wanting to have a BIG family.  Nick and I can handle it and I know Allie will be a rock star big sister!  No announcement coming in the near future, but maybe...someday...

After a fun afternoon/early evening, we celebrated a little bit of freedom when the grandparents arrived and went out for a few beers! day!  Nick/Allie/I drove to Wamego, KS to celebrate Andrea/Travis's wedding.  It was a beautiful ceremony/reception!

Sunday...RJ's baptism, Leigh's Birthday, and Allie's Birthday!  Everything went great and it was wonderful having the family in town to celebrate some wonderful events!

Allie did okay with the spotlight.  She definitely loved opening up all her beautiful gifts.  I especially loved the Ladybug theme gifts :)  The cake a different story...  You would think a child would love sweets!  Allie was a little more scared...  Maybe on her actual Birthday she will be into it :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bragging time on my husband

Nick just finished his final semester of course work with a 4.0!  All As.  I am such a PROUD wife.  I love to see him so dedicated to his career in Agronomy.  Which I tell people, that is the study of soil and plants.  We are in the home stretch.  We just need this summer and next summer research to be complete, write a small book report called a dissertation, and then he will be a Doctor of Dirt!

I can't wait for December 2013 where I will be in the front row with Allie cheering on her Dad as he walks across that stage getting his PhD diploma.  T minus 1.5 years!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Just a soda

Special story...

So I was at my usually lunch venue, Brown Baggers.  Yes, having a child to get off to school in the morning makes it difficult to pack a lunch and be on time.  So I have found a lunch place for $3.82, I receive a sandwich, chips, small cookie, and bottle water.  I am telling myself I can't make my lunch for that amount...

Anyways, so I am line.  About 3 people back and this woman comes up behind me.  Description of the woman:  Octo-mom looking, cut off sweatpants, greasey hair, do you have a mental picture?  She starts talking of course to me, about how all she wants is a soda and can't believe how long the line is.  In my head, I am like when I get up there I will let her go in front of me.  So still waiting, she is asking what I am going to order, I say the Murphy Melt (turkey/provolone sandwich).  She then continues to say, oh that sounds good, but I am only getting a soda.  She continues to ask questions about the sandwich, how much?  what do I get on it? etc, etc.  But always reemphasizes the only getting a soda.  Anyways, it is my turn. 

Brooke to woman behind me  "So are you just getting a soda?"
Woman "Yes, just getting a soda"
Brooke "You can go ahead of me"
Woman does not say thanks or anything to me, goes right in front of me "I will have the Murphy Melt"
SERIOUSLY?  You just talked with me for 5 minutes about how you weren't getting anything but a soda. 

Kicker of the story...she left without getting a soda

Friday, April 13, 2012

2 years ago...

Yesterday I was thinking, 2 years ago (exactly) I was going to my Final KC Happy Hour at the Blue Moose with the KC Kappas and friends.  Makes me think about how my life has changed. 

Change is good. 

For one main reason...

My priorities have changed.  For example, I don't know the last time I went to a Happy Hour...  I do know if we had made it to the park enough times so Allie can enjoy her swing time before the sun sets.  Yesterday, I was craving more than anything to go to the Blue Moose for $1.50 bottle night where I would start the night out with a great group of girls and run into K-States graduating classes of 2004 to 2006 trying to relive the college Thursday nights.  Now, I am just glad I have my quarterly Dinner Club weekends, Kappa annual reunions, Weddings, Bachelorette parties, Shower weekends to remind me how much friends matter in life.  You always need to make time with your friends even if it only happens once in awhile.

Fashion, now I am more concern about getting Allie cute outfits or outfits that fit bc she is growing like a beanstalk!  Recently though, we went to Orlando Outlet malls.  I was selfish, I bought items for myself again!  It was wonderful to walk away with a Kate Spade, Coach, Nike bag filled with items for myself.  I will never be able to give up shopping... 

Savings, my main concern was funding the next big trip to go to Europe, Mexico, didn't matter, I wanted to go everywhere!  Now, how much we can put away for our home, retirement, and Allie's college savings.  Yes, we already have a 529 plan set up and contributing to it monthly.  I believe I was in college 6 years ago and wait, Nick is still in college!

Job, shockingly, I love my job.  I love the people I work with, the challenges they give me, the trust they have in me, bonuses, everything about it!  I never thought I would succeed at being a working mom, but here I am.  Stay at home moms, I am still jealous everyday of your career path, one day I hope to join you...  But for now when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade and add vodka, spice it up!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

5 months later...

So I have neglected the blog world!  I am sorry!!  Between working, BUSY season at work, Allie, Nick, Drew's wedding, holidays...jammed packed with activities!  We have two more hectic weekends in front of us and then we are ready for 7 full weeks in Lincoln just the three of us where we will finally get some quality bonding time.  We have a swim class lined up with Allie on Saturdays and also will be hitting up a story hour.

Being a working mom is a lot harder than I ever imagined.  So many (every) day I wish I could stay home with Allie and know her every move, instead I am the career woman.  Luckily, I am advancing nicely in work and getting lots of "fun" (in an Accountant's world "fun") opportunities to grow.  They have me sit in on all the planning meeting for the company and in February flying me out to San Diego to learn more about Financial Forecasting.  Exciting, right?!

Nick is plugging away at classes and getting his good grades!  He is diligently working so he graduates on time!

So here is the little person you really want to hear about!  ALLIE :)  She is our happy/smiley baby!  She seems to always be in a good mood with lots of smiles.  She loves to sing songs, roll around, sit up, grab at toys.  She is advancing right with the charts, not to early and not to late.  So, you think we have it easy?  Don't be fooled, she is a little challenge...due to the fact she does not like to nap!  Yes, so we have a baby who is on the go from 7am to 8pm with about a 1.5-2hr of naps (2 hours a day is an extremely good day!).  And her naps are cat naps, 30 min here, 15 min here, etc.  So Nick and I are always exhausted by 8pm at night!  Our doctor said the lucky parents get babies who like to nap.  Guess we are not lucky in that department.  Other than the napping situation she is our little angel!  Can't remember what life was like before her!

Below is a our trip to Orlando back in October!  We had such a good time, we are heading back in March, but this time just Nick, Allie, and I with a tour guide named Leigh.